If you haven't already, check out the first part of this article that I wrote. Millennials are actively involved with politics. Isn't that a lot more than most college and high school students can say? Fortunately, more and more younger people from ages 18-34 are getting more intensely educated and involved in politics. That is a great thing! It is always important for the younger crowd to know and understand what is going on in their countries. Even if you don't agree with their opinions, we should always respect the fact that they at least care for and are passionate about America. They want the best for their country, and if they didn't love where they lived, they wouldn't fight so hard to make a great change. They wouldn't fight for equality for all, and they wouldn't be out on the streets trying their best to make a difference.
You must try to see from another viewpoint (AKA, don't be stubborn). I know it is very hard to not argue with someone when it comes to politics, especially when you don't see eye to eye, but you must understand that some people are not white, some aren't male, and some aren't wealthy. If you are not either 3 of those things, if not all 3, it is a very hard time in the country at the moment. Even though you might not fully comprehend what some people go through, you have to at least try and respect what they go through every day. Some people don't have clean water in this country right now. Some people have no home. Some are very hungry and don't get food stamps for their family another week. Some happy same sex couples are mocked and threatened wherever they go. Mexican families are at risk of never seeing each other again (if the wall is built).
This might not have changed your mind about the protests that are happening, but I hope it at least alters your perception on what our country is going through. We are taking a huge step backwards. I hope you at least understand to respect others and their feelings and opinions. People live different lives than you. We have to stop going back to what feels comfortable and what we are used to. We must embrace change and realize what is best for us.