How many hours do we spend every day staring at the screens of our computers and cellphones?
The answer for the average person? Eight hours and 41 minutes on electronic devices each day. That's more time than most of us sleep each night.
Our society has become so attached to these physical items, that we've become so detached to the people surrounding us.
We spend countless hours searching Facebook or checking our apps to see the number of likes we get before we even think of calling our loved ones to see how their day is going.
We place our trust in these phones to attach ourselves to those surrounding us, but have we ever thought that maybe when our phone battery dies it's actually a blessing? Because without the distraction of a battery-powered item, we can finally engage in the world around us?
But does it really take our phone dying for us to look up into the eyes of those around us? How can it be that for the first time in history we are more connected to people all around the world, yet more disconnected to one another than ever before?
Suicide rates among Americans have risen more than two percent since 2000, and every day we lose 105 Americans due to suicide. People have more resources than ever to talk and connect with others, yet they are lonelier than ever. How can this be?
What if instead of revolving our lives around these material items, we begun to attach ourselves to the One which makes us whole. The One who formed us, and loves us more than any amount of likes on an Instagram post could.
See, if we fail to recognize the love given to us from Jesus, no amount of "likes" will ever satisfy our human heart's desire for love.
So let us put down our cellphones and close our laptops as we gaze into the eyes of those we cherish. Let us challenge ourselves to embrace the precious time we are given with those around us, knowing that every moment given to us is another chance to share our love with one another. Let us not be shy. And please, let us begin today.