I am a male, I hate men, and i am a feminist. I hate men because I get grouped up with the stupid men that prey on the weak and that pisses me off. I don't try to harm anyone because I was once a bully and someone that was weak. I know both roles and I rather not be either, but I don't want to stand in the shadows. I rather help someone that is in pain, which usually leads me to being in pain. I love everyone to a point. The only way I begin to hate you is if you wronged me or someone I know.
Now, how am I feminist, well I actually believe in equality and paying someone the right amount for the work they do. I work in a sexist industry, so i get so much joy when I see women working in lead roles. Majority of my coworkers think it is weird, but it is awesome. i am not straight, so I feel the pain of anyone that is belittled because of what they believe in or who they are. In my opinion, feminism is helping someone out regardless of sex and not seeing as a sex object. Actresses are acting for the sake of a movie or show, they aren't there so you can treat them as a sex icon.
The only group of actors/actresses that should be thought of that way are porn stars, but if you happen to see them in the street, don't treat them as such. Treat them as a human being because at the end of the day, they are just people. Don't sexually abuse anyone. Don't assault anyone sexually, just treat them with respect. Respect someone's opinion and if someone doesn't want to sleep with you, don't spread rumors about them. Otherwise you are just a turd.