Don't Be A Bully, Be A Friend | The Odyssey Online
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Don't Be A Bully, Be A Friend

It's acceptable to have a different thought process, just be nice about it.

Don't Be A Bully, Be A Friend
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Recently I was scrolling through Twitter and happened to see a tweet where a girl had posted a picture of a screenshot of her asking her boyfriend over text message to buy her a Pandora ring. Throughout the texts the boyfriend tells her that he has maybe a couple hundred dollars in the bank and would be happy to get it for her. As any girl in a happy relationship does, she took a screenshot of the conversation and posted it on social media. Instantly the poor girl had thousands of users bashing her for having the nerve to ask her boyfriend who doesn't have too much money to get her such an expensive ring.

Effortlessly, her boyfriend came to the rescue stating that he has bills to pay just like anyone else and works hard to make ends meet. In efforts to put a stop to such judgmental people, he also went into detail that his girlfriend doesn't ask for very much and she is extremely easy to please by not being materialistic along with getting joy out of the smaller things in life.

All the innocent girlfriend tried to prove was how lucky she is to have a boyfriend that would purchase her a ring that she deeply loved. It's not that she actually wanted him to buy her the ring, which she stated when individuals took the tweet out of hand. It was a pure and simple question just to see what his reply would be, on top of showing how excited she was to see the ring on Pandora's website.

Of course there was some positive feedback to the post, showing an understanding of what was meant regarding the messages. Sadly, the negative responses outweighed the positive. In my opinion the whole situation was blown out of proportion. Anymore people take these conditions too seriously. It is perfectly acceptable to have an opinion about an occurrence, but when responding there are a few questions that need to be asked before hitting the 'comment' button:"Is my comment relevant?" "What if roles were reversed?" "How will my comment affect this person?".

It happens too often where people are quick on pulling the trigger to comment, when it's best to leave well enough alone. We all have different mindsets and believe in a variety of rights and wrong, that's what keeps our lives interesting. It is just the principal of dealing with the differences. Instead of automatically bashing someone for something that they did or said, step into their shoes and try to find the actual meaning behind the remark or post. Once there is some sort of clarification it is easier to have an open-mind and agree or disagree in a friendly manner.

Sometimes people do post out of the ordinary wacky posts on Facebook or any social media and it is easy to comment on it in a negative way. Believe me I know. Just take a breath and let them carry on. It's a matter of time before you post something that an individual doesn't agree with and starts to point out the many ways that you are wrong. You wouldn't appreciate their rude comments, so why would anyone else like yours?

Be kind to one another and learn to be patient. It takes only a few seconds to find the good in everything. Spreading positive vibes not only helps you, but the person on the other end. Spread love, not hate.

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