We have been told as women, in order to be successful we need to follow Society’s rules and standards. Women of color especially have been told for decades the definition of beauty is European, long straight hair and silky.
In corporate America, straight hair is still considered to be professional and appropriate. What does that mean for black professionals. Are we less than? Should we conform or stay true to our roots?
African-American women usually get looked down upon when they wear their natural hair. A lot of women usually conform and wear extensions in order to avoid gossip in the workplace, fit it and to avoid negative consequences in their career. Wearing your natural hair at work can be a good thing, here is why.
- It shows you that you are not basic. Being able to stand out at work can be a great career move. Making a statement with your hair can bring positive attention and get you notice.
- Confidence. Instead of following the trends that most of your co-workers wear at work, Standing out can translate to you having high self-esteem and confidence. By standing out , you are making it clear, you are not afraid to be yourself.
- Start a movement. There are a lot of people who doesn’t think they can pull off wearing natural hair at work or they are not pretty enough. You will help other people feel confident and not be ashamed to rock their natural hair.
Don’t let other people own insecurities scare you into being afraid of being your true self.