It seems to be, that the more a person is "outspoken," the more he/she is ridiculed for it. It seems as if people don't like the fact that there are people who will gladly say whatever it is that they want, whenever they want. It's almost as if people are afraid of being told the truth about things they don't want to know the truth for.
Being outspoken isn't ever a bad thing, in most opinions it's a great feature to have, because then people can always rely on you to tell them the truth in the way that they should be hearing it. To have a friend that will gladly tell you like it is, i great because then you will never have to worry about someone saying it behind your back. To be told that what you're doing is idiotic, or that the outfit you're wearing is hideous, is never the nicest thing to hear, but it can be one of the best things that someone can tell you. We all seem to become blind to the little things that we do, and to have someone call us out on all of these things is the best thing that we can have. Some seem to not agree withe people just saying whatever it is that's on their mind, but the people that say whatever they want will be the most sincere and caring people that you will ever meet. They may not always say the most "PC" things, and you will definitely not always agree with what is said, but hearing it will always get you thinking about things.
Don't be afraid to say what is on your mind. There is a correct way to go about saying what you want to say, not saying that you should just blurt out words and opinions. Just, let people know how you feel, don't be afraid to hide something from others. If you're upset with someone, let them know politely. If you have romantic feelings for someone, let them no and have no regrets. Living in the shadows because you're afraid of everything that will come to light, is never a way to live life. Be known, be out there, be you, because being yourself is the best self that you can be.