Being in college means you get to meet a whole bunch of new people. For the first time you’re free to do just about anything you want. You gain friends in ways you never thought possible. I was hanging out at a local wing bar in town one night. There were about ten of us that came for karaoke night every week. At the time, I was not a very adventurous person, socially awkward was more like it. When our waitress walked right up to me at the end of the night and asked if I would like to come with her and another friend to a country bar in town, I was a bit taken back. Opportunities like the one I had just been offered never came for me. I had spent most of my life behind a book, and decided right then that I needed a change.
I had never had friends that were that adventurous. All of the friends I had I had met through work. In that moment I knew that I wanted to be as outgoing as this woman. I thought why not and eagerly excepted her invitation. My friends looked at me like I was crazy. I was going to go out with a complete stranger that I had just met, and they could not understand why in the world I would think something like that would be fun.
When we left the restaurant I began to question the decision that I had just made. It was completely unlike me. I wanted to text her and make up an excuse as to why I wasn't going to be able to make it. This wasn’t the kind of girl I was, but it was the kind of girl I wanted to be. The one that told stories of the crazy adventures she had gone on. I wanted to be the girl telling the story instead of just listening. So I squashed those thoughts of bailing out and went out and had an amazing time.
That night marked the first time I came out of my shell and actually lived. From that moment on I never wanted to go back. When you come out of your comfort zone it can be scary, but it can also lead to some of the best days of your life. I met my best friend that day. She's the kind of friend you plan on keeping for life. I cannot imagine where I would be if I had never met her, or the amazing people she has introduced me to. Being able to know that one day I will look back at my life and have no regrets is the best feeling in the world. The day that you let go of the what ifs and embrace the world of opportunity around you, that is when you will begin the best days of your life. Sometimes you need to jump head first into the unknown to really find out what you have been missing out on.
The saying when life gives you lemons you make lemonade has never been more relatable. When life throws an unexpected opportunity to go on an adventure at you, jump at it. You never know when you could be meeting the people that will shape your life.