If you have nothing better to do today, go out and make a mistake. Screw up, be young and dumb and carefree. Everyone tells you that you need to be perfect and be careful to not mess up. Well, I am telling you the opposite; do not be afraid to make your own mistakes. It bothers me that people think it is the worst thing in the world is to make a mistake, but I am here to tell you it is not the end of the world.
When you were younger, your parents decided which mistakes would have consequences. Depending on what you did depended on the level of punishment you got. Somethings things you got told not to do again while others you got grounded. From this you learned what you should not do and you became a better person for it. As you got older you become responsible to decide how your decisions affect you and what you were going to do about them. Some you will let bother you while others you shake off and don’t think about again.
People remember the mistakes you do but guess what, you get to decide what people remember about it. Once the action happens you have two decisions. You can either get mad or you can get over it and become a better person. People remember how you react more than the actual mistake. This can cause people to forget the severity of the mistake and they will gain a new respect for you.
Your mistakes do not define you. For some reason people have it in their heads that the stupid decisions hold so much value. Depending on what it is, this is true but for the most part it’s not. Yes, you do get judged for the mistakes you make but the judgement will not stick if you do not let it. You are the only one who can decide how bad your decision was and you are the only one who can judge yourself. Do not let someone make you feel guilty for the mistake you made.
The biggest thing about mistakes is that they can always be fixed. Some mistakes are harder to fix then others but it you want to fix it you can. If you make a mistake at work tell someone who can help you fix it. At school, if you make a mistake, you can email your professor. In life it is different, if you want to fix a mistake you get to decide how it happens. You are in control and this is the best place to be when it comes to your own mistakes. The more you take control of the mistake the more you are able to learn from it.
College is the perfect time to make all the mistakes you can. The decisions you make usually do not have large consequences, so it is the best time to make them. These mistakes can help make you into the person that you want to be. Do not be afraid to go out on a limb and do something wild and crazy. Most of all do not be afraid to make a mistake. It really is not the end of the world.