Probably way before you arrived on campus, you’ve been warned about or at least heard of the freshman fifteen. Maybe you already have a plan in place to avoid it, made sure you put it in your weekly schedule to get the gym. For some of you it’s working out great, and you’re definitely prevailing, but for others you’re already starting to feel you pants get a bit tighter. It’s really not your fault. It’s understandable that with classes, clubs, jobs (if you have one), and homework it can be a little much to find time. Also, now that you’re away from home you’re definitely not eating the same way you used to. It’s a bit harder to balanced healthy and unhealthy diets. You definitely don’t try to eat out every day, but that’s what your swipes or dining dollars can afford, and although there are health options you can only eat a salad too many times before it gets old, and those of you in freshman dorms without a kitchen cooking’s not an option either.
If you do happen to gain a couple pounds don’t fret, because remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I’ve personally been there, I know it’s a bit frustrating, and you’re looking at high school pics wondering what happened. Just know that it’s definitely not the end of the world. It’ doesn’t mean you’re less attractive, or any less who you are. Sure, you might have to adjust. You might have to buy bigger sized clothing, and that’s okay. It honestly looks much better than you continuing to try to rock something that’s obviously not fitting you as well as it used to. Please don’t ever think that bigger equals less attractive, because what’s not attractive to one person may be completely attractive to someone else. However, if you’re really not down with the weight gain, and this bigger size is just not for you then you’ll find a way to work it out. You will find time for the gym, you will do your best to eat healthier, and before you know it you’re right back to where you once were.
Just remember that you are beautiful no matter what size you are, and the freshman fifteen will definitely not change that about you. Getting bigger doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re unhealthy, you can be smaller and just as unhealthy. What’s important is that you don’t let a little weight gain get you down, don’t let it affect how you feel about you. No matter what the scale says, it can never measure how amazing of a person you are.