There is a difference between asking for help when you need it and asking for help constantly for stuff that you can handle yourself. I am a big believer in if you can do it yourself, don't wait for someone else to do it. That belief could be taken in a number of ways. If there is no other option, then seek help. A Queen/King have advisers for when they are stuck on something, so why can't we ask for advice or help? This is why we need to normalize asking for advice not help constantly. Advice is a step in the ladder of the journey. A great hero will always seek advice then continue on the journey themselves. Do not be a damsel in distress, be the knight in shining armor that slays the dragon and comes out stronger.
Meg from Hercules giphy
I feel like I'm Meg from "Hercules" when I have a problem in front of me. Believe it or not, saying phrases like the one above help get the tasks done. My life was not a picnic like some of my friends, but I recognize that my life is better than some of my other friends. I've been through where my bank fees were more than my paycheck. At work, I would drink the free coffee before I would ask anyone for help with food. Thankfully, at the time, I bought in bunk (nonperishable) items. I could make food while I was at home. It was stuff like ramen and beans. I never complained because I had gotten myself into that mess. I managed to get myself out and now I am way more frugal with my luxuries.
Being a wife now, I look at other wives that rely on their husbands with distaste. I understand that there are situations, religious beliefs and points of view. Unfortunately, we live in a world where two people in the house need to be working to pay the bills. If you are lucky to have a husband that has a salary that is above the amount that is spent on bills, then good for you. I become so embarrassed at the thought of asking my husband for money. I'm never ungrateful if he buys me anything because I am not a bitch. We are partners and we are allowed to spoil each other. A Queen can spoil her king and vice versa.
I understand that there are situations that allow women to rely on their husbands, but if you can, you should be helping support the household. I understand that the cost of childcare out weight the need for a job to support the bills. I understand a lot of the counter-arguments. I stand by my point that if you can help it, you should never be the damsel in distress. Find a way out of that tower if it means sneaking past a sleeping dragon or slaying it.