I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder at the age of twelve. Since then, I've had to take a certain pill every single day to make sure I can actually pay attention in my life - Adderall. Infamously known on college campuses for helping you pull an all-nighter or focusing on your report due tomorrow. With the start of a new semester, I want to extend this message to all of my friends, both old and new, please, please don't ask me if you can have some of my Adderall.
As I type, it's the end of the day. The extended release of my medication is wearing off and I can feel my brain clouding up and distracting me. I'm more fidgety than usual, and my sensory overload is more obvious than usual. Even playing music in the background is delaying this article from being written. People with ADD may get prescribed the coveted Adderall, but that's barely a plus. It sucks having to rely on medicine to make you behave "normally".
While you may use Adderall during finals week to get a week's worth of work in one night, it doesn't work like that for people who have ADD. It just makes me function normally. When I take my meds, I'll get a normal amount of work done in a decent amount of time. Without it, I could be looking right at you and not hear a word you say.
I have to read the same paragraph over and over again. I can't even drive a car unless I've taken my medicine that morning. For people who don't have ADD, you have to realize that you don't have to choose whether you'll be successful at the beginning of the day. You can lose focus and re-motivate yourself. For me, I'm either on and functioning normally for 10-12 hours, or I'm unmotivated and distant. There is virtually no in-between.
Another downside is the legal standpoint. Adderall is a controlled substance, which means I only get a certain number of pills every month. I need every single pill, so I'm not selling any of it, no matter what. There are so many steps involved when it comes to getting a prescription. If you're only coming to me to get to my medication, I'll save you some time: don't.
If you, as a person without Attention Deficit Disorder, take Adderall, you abuse what I've had to go through. I had to go through trial after trial of medications to find one that didn't cause me to have mental breakdowns. You should feel lucky that you don't have to rely on this every single day, even for the simplest tasks. Be thankful. Don't take pills away from someone who needs it to function. It's the same as taking someone's antidepressants or antianxiety meds. Be respectful, and recognize that some people have struggles that you've never had to deal with.