Most people like to make plans and stick to them strictly, calculating every move to try to stay in control of their life as they can. This makes it hard when different situations arise and you have to make decisions that can completely alter your journey here on Earth. Most of the time, when something like this comes up, people tend to take a lot of time to figure everything out and re-plan to make things work. This has its perks and sometimes you need to be grounded and look at every angle before making a decision. But, you don't always need a plan; leaving things open to chance can be a better plan in the long run.
Planning your whole life out is not only pretty difficult but also time-consuming and overwhelming, especially when you take into consideration how many different things depend on each other. Thinking about it on a personal level, I was asked what my plans were after I graduate college next fall and I couldn't give a definitive answer because it really depends on where I am at financially, emotionally, and what job opportunities arise between now and then.
Just like many 20-something's, I really don't know what I am going to do after I graduate. The thing is, it's okay that we do not know or have a plan just yet. So many things can happen between now and then that any plan we may come up with will probably change. So, instead of spending time stressing about the life after college or trade school or whatever it is that you are doing at the moment, just enjoy where you are at. Be proud of how far you have come already. I'm sure some of us didn't plan to be where we are right now anyways.
It is okay to leave things up to chance sometimes. It's okay to dive right into different opportunities that arise which may lead you a little off the track you had laid out. And it's okay if you took an opportunity like that and decided to go back to what you were doing before. Taking risks on occasion is not always bad for you and it doesn't always mean something negative will happen in return.
You don't have to have exact plans on everything or be leave everything completely up to chance in order to live a successful or happy life. There's definitely a medium that exists that will work for your personality and your lifestyle. If you're like me and you like to be in control, try to go sometimes. Wait to cross those bridges until you get there and don't micromanage things that you have little control over. It's okay to just jump in with both feet and let things happen as they will.