It's weird - I have good days and bad days.
I have days where I have all the confidence in the world and days where I have none at all.
There are days when I feel like I am more than enough and days when I feel the furthest from enough,
It's weird because it wasn't until about a year ago that I truly believed I was more than enough.
And that summer I was at my highest high. My confidence was exploding and I was truly living.
All of a sudden, I started a new chapter of my life. I went through significant changes and all of a sudden I began to have days where I felt like I wasn't enough anymore.
My grades weren't enough, my looks weren't enough, my personality wasn't enough, I wasn't enough.
And to be honest, I still have days like that. I think we all do.
As much as I want to get back the confidence I had a year ago, I know that isn't possible right now.
But, that doesn't mean I'm not working on it.
And to know that I still have thousands of times more confidence then I did two years ago is amazing.
I don't want you to read this and think that I'm not happy with the person that I am, because I am so happy with who I am. But, I'm more happy with who I am becoming.
And I know that to get to the person I want to be, there are going to be days where I don't feel good enough.
There are going to be days where I lay in bed crying over a boy or days where that class just seems too hard. Heck, I might fail a test.
The crazy thing is when I find myself at a low — when I find myself thinking I'm not good enough, in the back of my mind, I know I am. And I know that the next day I'm going to wake up and face the world with a smile on my face.
And I know that everything happens for a reason, I'm just on the path to finding myself. That's pretty beautiful to me.
So to myself when I don't think I'm good enough, or to any of you: you are more than enough. You have already shown yourself that you are good enough countless times — be proud of that. And this feeling of not feeling good enough is temporary. You are growing and you are on your way to finding yourself.
You'll get there, I promise.