Why is it important to learn another language?
As a human one of the biggest thing we demand is a connection with others. Whether it's your family or friends or just a simple stranger on the street. Language can also help with discovery.
Any time you decide to travel, you may run into someone that doesn't speak or understand your language. Because of that, many of us just throw in the towel and think that it is okay to ignore that fact that we can't communicate with each other.
I personally have an aunt that is deaf, and since I was a little girl I could never truly talk to her. In my aunt's case, she also has down syndrome so it is even more difficult for her to communicate. I also had a student in school that was deaf and barely even looked at people because hardly anyone could understand her.
Whether you are deaf or only speak Chinese, other languages and sounds can be very confusing. It is our job as a human to want to strive to be able to speak to our fellow men.
Some of the most common languages right now are English, Spanish, Sign Language, and French. Knowing any of these can make communication in other countries a little more possible.
If you desire to know more and understand more of your surroundings wherever you are, try learning a new language.
Learning a new language sounds difficult but if you work it into your daily life, little by little, then soon it will just naturally flow through you.
There are so many opportunities and ways to learn a language now with our growing technology. Going to school, using the internet, electronic programs, books, the ideas for learning a new language are becoming endless. The most daring but authentic way to learn a new language is to surround yourself with hat language.
Like, traveling.
If you have the availability, then try going to a different country. Be exposed to the culture and language at the source.
If not try learning one while you are in school. Many high schoolers are required to take at least one year of a foreign language, so if you are that age, that the opportunity. If you are in college, look into the idea of taking on a minor in a foreign language.
Many universities offer summer or semester minors that allow you to travel to a different country for your education.
That sounds like a great opportunity to me, but not everyone has either of those opportunities anymore.
Many online resources have become more and more reliable for learning a new language. Several people I know used an online source to learn the basics of a language before a mission, vacation, or study abroad. Having any type of basic understanding of a new language can really make learning that language easier.
Language really is the biggest platform to any sort of connection with people and communities. Whether it gives you news friends, more marketable resume, or just a fun fact about yourself, knowing another language can really benefit your life.
Don't believe me? Try exploring a new language today, and then come back and tell me how you're feeling.