Everyone remembers their "Good 'Ole Days", whether it was last year, months ago, or possibly hasn't happened yet. I have multiple sets of "The good ole days" simply because of the different memories I have with each friend group in my life.
The good old days are when my friends and I were young, more energetic than we are now and had a lot of imagination.The days when you and your friends would have sleepovers on cool summer nights and do it all again next weekend. Summertime adventures of swimming, camping and eating s'mores by the campfire. These were the good ole days.
High school adventures from freshman to senior year, it would feel like forever until I was out of there. Hanging out after school or going to a game. once our time was up it would never be the same. My buddies and I having game nights on the weekend, we just couldn't wait to see what we'd end up in. We were talking to the girls Monday-Friday every week, in class, at lunch, in my passenger seat. It all came up so quick, we had no time left to say that these are in fact our good ole days.
Fast forward some more we're now at a new school, new people,, new places, it all seems so cool. Fall of '19 was one heck of a time, I met new friends, new memories and lost a lot of time. Days went by in the blink of an eye, each moment felt like forever until we all said goodbye. We all hung out nearly every night, at dinner, sometimes in class or Taco Bell fields catching a pass. The times we went on trips together: The lake, Oklahoma, or to the theater. I know my days with them are not finished yet, but I wish to see them again for it'd be something i'd regret. My college friends are a new family for me, they care, they love one another just as they do or me. These good ole days were just moths ago, before we all got locked inside with nowhere to go.
There will be more good ole days to come but I would like to live in the moment, take each second as they come. Time flies when you're having fun is true, but if you've got friends like mine then time is askew. We will all be back together soon enough, back to the good ole days of going out and doing stuff.