When the boy was first born,
He laughed and laughed with delight.
Along came boyhood and his laugh
The boy called Father Time
And wanted to hear his fate.
Along came Father Time and the world
Stood still.
He held his hand tight,
Embracing all the impossibilities.
With him any wonder was his,
And all the world waited,
"Father Time," the boy said,
"Will you show me my fate?"
"Only if you really mean it,"
Said Father Time.
And off they went into the far future.
They went past the boy's
Future passions and desires,
Past lovers,
Past family,
And past the end of time.
The second of his life ticked.
Tick tock.
Father Time and the boy
Laughed and cried,
But they never stopped living through.
Through the pain
and through the strife,
The boy held onto his life.
"And what a good life it is,"
Whispered Father Time.
The Father of Time
Then left a kiss on the boy's head.
"Now go live it to the fullest,"
Said Father Time and
He let go of his hand.
The boy dreamed of growing up,
Of growing old,
And being laid to rest
With those memories.
Never wanting to change a thing,
He lived without regrets.
But more than anything,
He lived.