Finding a job during this pandemic is very difficult. I am almost twenty years old and I am working for the third summer in a row as a lifeguard because I have not been able to find any other place to hire me. Trust me it is not from a lack of sending my resume to companies. However, my one job as a lifeguard is not going to be able to help me pay my tuition or for my apartment next semester.
My dad owns a lawn care business, he currently has four employees. His company is very physically demanding but every one that apply's for the job knows this coming into it. Most of the people my dad hires are not willing to actually work. With everyone working from home or after being laid off people do not want to get off their butts and actually work.
It is not that companies do not want to work it is that they can't find people that actually are willing to. Companies are having to struggle to try and stay open right now, many of them are trying to think about the future and how they will staff their stores or restaurants. I applied to a restaurant and the owner told me that they would like to hire me when they re-open but they are not sure when they will be able to do that. That left me still out of a job, but it also left the owner and his family out of a source of income. Companies are struggling to stay afloat, struggling to pay their rent on their spaces, pay for the food on their table. Even though the government is trying help out the companies there just isn't enough money to help everyone.