I know it can't just be me who is the BIGGEST procrastinator there is. If you're like me and struggle to keep up with all of the due dates and homework, these tools are essential to stay up to date and organized with upcoming tasks.
Step One: Get A Calendar Or Two
Obviously, first you're going to need a calendar. Personally, I have both an electronic calendar and a paper copy, so I highly recommend both.
Step Two: Write It ALL Down
You'll then want to gather all your due dates from each classes' syllabus and add them to the calendar. Organize these by date first!
Step Three: Organize By Class
This is where is gets different from a paper calendar and an electronic version. In your paper calendar, have a specific highlighter/color for each class. On your electronic copy you can do the same or just put each class in a folder. I typically use google sheets for a to do list/calendar so in this case I have a column for class as well as separate them by "class color."
Step Four: Sort By Assignment Type
This is where you are going to need to prioritize your work. Is a 5 point assignment worth more attention than a 25 point assignment? No.
Step Five: Separate By Date
Continuing from step four; is a 5 point assignment due tonight worth more attention than a 25 point assignment due next week? Yes. If you prioritize your work correctly you will start to figure out what is more important and this will alleviate some of the stress you're probably enduring.
Step Six: Keep Up With The Calendar
When you first start it may be hard to find the time to sit down and update it, but once you get the hang of it I promise it will make a huge difference in your life.
Step Seven: Add Stuff Other Than Homework
Make sure to add any extra events or important dates into the calendar. Not only will this help you remember and stay organized, this will also give you a good excuse to update the calendar so you can stay on top of everything.
Step 8: Break Up Your WorkloadÂ
Now that you have everything organized and prioritized you can finally break down your workload so that you don't have 5 assignments to do on Saturday and only 1 to do on Friday. Simply split your work between several days so you can balance your workload much better.
Step 9: Mark If Completed!
Lastly, don't forget to mark an assignment off if you completed it. This can give you a sense of reward for all of the hard work you have gone through. It gives you a chance to physically look at everything you've accomplished. Always be proud of yourself
A Look At My Calendar:
Here is a look at what my schedule looks like currently. This is a great way to stay on the right track and help you not procrastinate!