If you are anything like me, you are in your 20's and still not in a committed relationship. When most people hear this for some reason they think that it is a negative things and start saying things they think will make you feel better.
"You'll find someone when the time is right"
"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure it will happen for you soon"
"I didn't meet my s/o until I was ____ age"
Well if you are single and in your 20's, help me end the stigma around singleness being a bad thing. I am single by choice because the next person I date I want to be serious with. I am 21 years old and have time for all of the marriage and kids stuff in the future. For now I am going to enjoy college and take this time by myself to live my best life.
Now that also doesn't mean that I want to go out and party every weekend either. I want to utilize this time to do the things that might be hard before I am emotionally and financially tied down, like going on spontaneous girls trips or just spending all my money on random things.
If you are reading this and you are in a committed relationship, I am not saying these are bad things just parts of my life that I don't particularly want to alter right now. Also, if you have a single friend and are constantly setting them up with people this is your sign to stop. We are glad that Joe from accounting is cute and single, but we are not interested. Thanks.
P.S. Never hold back from inviting your single friends from hanging out with you and your s/o. When I hangout with my bff and her fiance, it just makes me that much happier for them. Never like a third wheel. It is worse when you distance yourself because you are in a relationship.