Avatar: The Last Airbender was definitely one of my favorite shows growing up, but recently it aired on Netflix. Since then, I've spent plenty of time reminiscing what a complete gem the cartoon was. For a kid, it's easy to understand the different elements and who's good and bad, but there are definitely certain aspects I never picked up on.
After watching for a second time, it makes complete sense why this show received an astounding 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I'm certain a major contributor to that rating was Uncle Iroh, who voiced so many valuable lessons we didn't even realize as children. Here are a few of my favorite quotes of his:
"Sometimes, life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place."
This quote is easily one of Iroh's most used quotes- and misrepresented. This is when Aang is asking Iroh for a word of advice after he heard of Iroh's reputation in wisdom. From the sounds of it, this is the common "light at the end of the tunnel" inspirational quote, but Iroh is really trying to say something else. In this scene, it shows Aang having to literally break the pieces of the tunnel away for them to continue walking. Iroh is trying to demonstrate that Aang will have to actively and continuously work for the "light" at the end of the tunnel, and eventually his soul will be better off for it, not his situation.
"It's time for you to start looking inward and begin asking the big questions. Who are you, and what do you want?"
@Spark_Perez on Twitter
In this scene, Zuko is about to steal Appa, Aang's flying bison, but is caught by Uncle Iroh. Iroh says many valuable things to Zuko here, but the main idea is simple. Zuko spends the majority of the show fighting for something he believes is his destiny, when it's really something his father planted in his head. Just like he had no idea why he was stealing the bison, he had no real idea why he was chasing the Avatar. It was just something he thought he had to do, but he never thought about what he'd do after he accomplished those things. This is definitely a valuable lesson for us to think about what will make us most fulfilled in the long run.
"You must never allow yourself to give into dispair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."
"I was never mad at you, I was sad because I thought you lost your way."
@Spark_Perez on Twitter
This was after Zuko betrayed Uncle Iroh and they reunited in Iroh's tent. Iroh never questioned Zuko's decisions because he knew it was Zuko's destiny, and takes him back time after time. The peace Uncle Iroh must have to simply forgive is amazing.
"Always thinking you need to do things on your own, without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you, help you."
This quote is just as simple as it seems, although one of the hardest to accept. Sometimes it's okay to be taken care of, and being taken care of has nothing to do with being weak and needing help. Choosing to accept love is not only okay, but good for our soul!
"Prince Zuko, pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame."
@Spark_Perez on Twitter
This quote surfaces when Iroh is trying to explain the technique of redirecting lightning. I think what's so valuable about this saying is that vanity and pride eventually lead to one's destruction or shame. Zuko is so focused on his pride that the lightning literally explodes in his face and is embarrassed he can't successfully complete the task. When you have humility, it lowers the value of your pride but also shame, creating balance.
"Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not."
Uncle Iroh isn't talking about "making it" as in life or death, but settling down and creating a life somewhere. The quote is in response to Zuko, who says he wouldn't want to "make a life" in Ba Sing Sae. This is a great reminder that life does go on, even if it isn't in the ideal circumstances as we'd rather have it.
"Today, destiny is our friend. I know it."
@Spark_Perez on Twitter
The word destiny is definitely the most used word in the whole show and can sometimes lose meaning after so long. Although, the way Uncle Iroh lives his life shows that maybe destiny is good, or at least something to make peace with. We will all ultimately do what we are meant to do, and there's no need to stress over each day. Maybe I should take some notes and start drinking tea.
"Zuko, you have to look within yourself, to save yourself, from your other self. Only then, will your true self, reveal itself."
@CourageousAmy_ on Twitter
We can never forget when Zuko tried his best to give himself advice while Uncle Iroh was missing. Maybe there's something valuable to pull from this trainwreck of a quote though?