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5 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To If You Love True Crime

Lovely ladies who talk about the worst of the worst.

5 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To If You Love True Crime

If you're anything like me, you are fascinated by the idea that a person could commit the most atrocious and depraved act within a society. We cannot understand how one could take another's life, yet we try. These podcasts are a handful that I feel dissect and talk about the worst of humanity.


Charlie Worroll hosts this podcast that has a a deep appreciation for telling lesser known stories of murder victims. Crimelines tends to steer away from stories of killers, and rather focuses on recounting the life of the victim in a clear timeline with a captivating tone that forgoes the frills of an editorialized story.

My Favorite Murder

This true crime and comedy podcast hosted by Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff will make an appearance on many podcast recommendation lists. As addressed by the two hosts, the thought of true crime and comedy together can turn many people off, but Georgia and Karen describe how comedy has been a coping tool they turn to as a way to make sense of the most heinous acts committed by mankind.

And That’s Why We Drink

Grad school classmates turned podcasts hosts Em Schulz and Christine Schiefer produce this show that mashes their love for both true crime and the paranormal. Each show is kicked off with a story from Em that details ghost stories, folklore, and alien tales. Em is followed by Christine who then tells of a true crime event. And That's Why We Drink is set apart from other shows by the magnetic personalities of the two hosts who are struggling just as hard with "adulting" as the rest of us.

Twisted Philly

In host Deana Marie's own words, Twisted Philly is "a podcast dedicated [to] mischief, mayhem, mystery and the macabre in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania." Deana Marie is a Philadelphia native who digs deep in her city's history to expose the darkest sides of the famed City of Brotherly Love. Deana also stretches beyond Philly's city limits to shine a light on the most horrific events in Pennsylvania's history.

Hell And Gone

Writer and investigator Catherine Townsend hosts this show that marries investigative journalism and podcasting which dives deep into unsolved murder cases in her home state of Arkansas. Catherine follows her desire for answers, and chronicles her journey to the truth in this series that will capture the listeners' curiosity and desire for resolution.

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