"Empire State of Mind" - Jay-Z and Alicia Keys | The Odyssey Online
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A Playlist From The iPod Of A Middle Schooler In 2009

Before Alexa, your iPod shuffle called the shots.

A Playlist From The iPod Of A Middle Schooler In 2009

In middle school, music was my favorite thing to listen to, sing to, and to dance to. I felt it was my only creative outlet and took me out of the harsh world. I would only ask for iTunes gift cards on holidays so that I could purchase more and more music to my iPod, now everything is different and iTunes isn't the hotshot anymore and it makes you wonder where has the time gone? So, here are 25 songs that you definitely had playing on your iPod in 2009.

"Party in the U.S.A" - Miley Cyrus

You already know how popular this was, do I even need to explain.

"Fire Burning" - Sean Kingston


"LoveGame" - Lady Gaga

I loved to sing this song when I was 8 years old. I clearly did not know the message.

"Boom Boom Pow" - The Black Eyed Peas

The Black Eyed Peas were huge and only getting bigger.

"Fireflies" - Owl City

I put this in there because everyone sang it, this was the only song you knew by them, and I did this for my third-grade class show.

"Her Diamonds" - Rob Thomas

"Good Girls Go Bad" - Cobra Starship

I'm sorry but I still bop to this song. And the Gossip Girl herself Leighton Meester singing is great, the music video is a must-watch.

"Right Round" - Flo Rida and Ke$ha

Also had no idea what the message was in this but I still sang it out loud in the backseat probably horrifying my parents.... sorry mom.

"Whatcha Say" - Jason Derulo

"Battlefield" - Jordin Sparks

I remember in detail singing this during a dodgeball match with my friend while kids probably cringed at us, but it's fine because it's Jordin Sparks.

"Empire State of Mind" - Jay-Z and Alicia Keys

"Love Story" - Taylor Swift

I listened to this song so much and thought it was so romantic. I would sing this to my imaginary boyfriend all the time.

"Hey, Soul Sister" - Train

This was on all the time. I loved it.

"Heartless" - Kanye West

The first song I actually learned to "rap" to. I always flexed on my friends singing every verse.

"Kiss Me thru the Phone" - Soulja Boy

"Soulja Boy Tell'em... BABY!" He gave out his own phone number in the song, how much better can you get?

"Halo" - Beyonce

Another song I sang to my imaginary boyfriend....

"You Found Me" - The Fray

"WHERE WERE YOU!" I sang this lyric with heart, acting like I was hurt by someone.

"Replay" - Iyaz

"21 Guns" - Green Day

Still a classic.

"Miss Independent" - Ne-Yo

I imagined I was "miss independent," no shame.

"Disturbia" - Rihanna

"Bum bum beedum bum bum beedumbum"

"Already Gone" - Kelly Clarkson

Another imaginary boyfriend song.... were we okay?

"Womanizer" - Britney Spears

Britney Spears is a national treasure.

"Whatever You Like" - T.I.

If only I was the waitress who got his number in this video, T.I. I'm still available.

"Dead and Gone" - Justin timberline and T.I.

Another song I sang like I was hurt when really my middle school crush didn't say hi to me that day. I'm still mad.

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