Follow along and see how my first day went.
The day before
Tristan has been like all about lifting and such since his Sophomore year, he is now a senior so I'm gonna guess he has a LOT more muscle and experience than I do. I asked him if he had any tips or anything and he said "Um it's gonna be hard for the first week or two" So I love that for me. kinda dreading what time I'm going to have to get up, ya know, a crisp 7:30 AM.
The morning of
okay so it's now 7:35 am and I'm nervous that I could vomit. He told me to bring water, which was pretty obvious but hey, at least he reminded me. He also told me that it is chest and leg day so I'm like oh lovely, I get to Bench…. I HATE BENCHING. The last time I benched was the summer between freshman and sophomore year and I only did 65 lbs.I just graduated High school last week so it's been a few years. I got here before him so I'm sitting in the car listening to Down With The Sickness at full volume and bass up… it's 7:58 in the morning. Oh well!
Okay so we started with a minute of the rowing warmup and then we hit the squats. He wasn't a fan of my form so he tried to help me fix it but I'm kinda incompetent when it comes to weights. After that we benched… needless to say, I'm glad he was there to spot me. Once we hit the two worst things, we did some odd and end stuff like leg presses and calf raises and such which I didn't mind. Honestly I think I laughed and talked to him more than I really lifted. Towards the end, I think he started to get a little irritated with me because I'd just sit there and watch him do stuff instead of doing dumbbell flys or whatever he called them, once again, Sorry T. We did some abs and then he went and ran again while I sat and stretched. After that hour and a half, we gathered our belongings and headed out. So far I'm feeling pretty okay, little wobbly.
The afternoon after
It's about 4 hours later and I'm starting to feel a bit sore. Mainly in my arms and thighs. Everything feels heavy. I tried to take a shower and it felt like my arms and legs were four hundred extra pounds heavier. I'm really just want to go home and take a nap and maybe some ibuprofen.
The day after
S O R E. Pure pain. Especially in my legs and shoulders. I had track practice this morning so that didn't help the pain any. I also had to work this afternoon and climbing onto the stand was not very much fun for my sore legs. I got some Tylenol in my system and that is starting to kick in so that makes everything a little bit better. But I am glad that I went. It felt good to get into the gym and get some reps in, even if I did laugh throughout the whole process.
Even though he didn't really get a full workout in because he was explaining everything to me, we both had fun and maybe he'll let me even come again and bother him for the morning!