To all of my beautiful best friends,
Thank you for being my best friends. Thank you for listening to my problem which range from what should I wear to stupid boys. Thank you for putting me in my place whenever I'm wrong or I'm not seeing the big picture. Thank you for helping me study for tests and being my partner for projects. Thank you for the last minute trips out of town to run to a bigger Walmart. Thank you for all of the friend dates, ice cream runs, and pre/post game dinners. Thank you for staying up countless late nights and talking to me about the most random crap. Thank you for letting me meet new people through you. Thank you for keeping my head on straight when I want to do outrageous things. Thank you for sometimes easing up and letting me do some wild stuff. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on when I'm sad. Thank you for being a hand to hold when I'm scared. Thank you for everything. You've given me a beautiful friendship that I would not change for the world. Allison, thank you for deciding to become my roommate at Missouri State with me. To all of my other sweet faced best friends, this is not the end for us. We will continue to send each other goofy pictures and heartfelt conversations. You have all built me into the person I am today. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have the love and support from each and every one of you. I know that some of our relationships started out pretty rocky, such as the ones I have with Colby and Tristan, but that's what makes all of our relationships so special and so unique. You guys will forever have my heart. I love you all.
Sincerely, Makayla <3