In case you're wondering how graduate school is going...
The excitement when we first started grad school.
10. "yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!@?msksn"
Staying up late to study or do session plans and then having an early morning class the next day.
Tired Good Night GIFGiphy
Before meeting your first client.
Key And Peele Reaction GIFGiphy
Or you may have felt this before meeting your first client.
excited nickelodeon GIF by SpongeBob SquarePantsGiphy
When you realize clinic is going better than you think.
shakira yes GIFGiphy
Right when you get home after a long day of clinic.
melissa mccarthy falling GIFGiphy
Midterms in a nutshell.
The Office Reaction GIFGiphy
When you remember you are in the right field.
Happy Full House GIFGiphy Report this ContentThis article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.