Donald Trump, the current front-runner for the GOP this election season, has the support of many people nationwide. He also has many haters and anti-Trump protesters on the other side of the spectrum. Whether you are a supporter or a hater, I think everyone can agree on how ridiculous Donald Trump's hair is. Like, what is that thing sitting on the top of his head? America wants to know.
His hair is not a new concept by any means, either. History has shown that Donald Trump's hair as always been like this, though it has progressively gotten worse as the years have gone on. It was just slightly more tamed back then and appeared to have a more natural color, compared to the "golden" locks he has now.
His hair is one of a kind -- seriously, have you ever seen another human with hair like that? Probably not. His hair has become an American icon itself, which is rather unfortunate when you think about it. It makes me wonder if other countries think this is how American hair is? I want to reassure the rest of the world that this is not a typical American hairstyle. I’m not even sure if you could really call it a hairstyle. It’s more of a hair mishap, or a hair-don’t rather than a hair-do.
No one really knows what Donald Trump's hair is either. There are theories out there, but still no scientific proof as to what is growing from that man's head. Trump's hair has been compared to many things, including an ear of corn ...
A horse’s mane blowing in the wind ...
And a troll doll (note the scary resemblance on this one).
Trump's hair defies gravity on a regular basis, leaving scientists questioning what it could be. Is it even from this planet? Nobody knows, and the scariest part is, it might remain a mystery forever. His hair probably belongs at Area 51, to be honest. He’s keeping his hair top secret from the American public, leaving many to question what else he will hide from us if he becomes president. Can we really put our trust into someone with mystery hair like that to run our country? I’ll let you come to your own decision on that one.
An ironic part about Trump and his hair is the fact that he is so concerned about image -- whether it be his own, his business', his family's or just the appearance of other people's, yet he still has the freaking hairdo. Trump might be famous for many things, like the fact that he decided to run for president (that, too, is a mystery), his wealth, his inappropriate commentary, and many more, but I think most of America can agree that we all know Trump by the crazy fur growing from his scalp. Oh, Mr. Trump, much like your hair, you also remain a mystery.