As a woman, I am absolutely terrified of the fact that Donald Trumpmay be our next President. There is absolutely no way you can spin anything this man says to be good or respectful. Thus far almost everything that has come out of the mouth of himself or his supporters has been derogatory or has been in defense of his derogatory comments. However, there have been a few things that are exceptionally disrespectful or derogatory.
For example, when Donald Trump said that you can sexually assault women and get away with it just because you are famous. After this comment, I do not know how any women with or without self-respect could vote for him. At this point, if you are a woman voting for Donald Trump you really need to take a hard look in the mirror and think about whether you think sexual assault is OK. Would you be OK with it if it happened to you or your daughter? See another point people have brought up is the Bill Cosby assault allegations. Bill Cosby is not a liked man in this country anymore because of these allegations. However, Donald Trump openly admits to not only sexually assaulting women but laughing about it and having the locker room talk mentality. Yet all of these women who crucified Bill Cosby are still voting for Donald Trump. Yes, folks, we have truly seen it all in this country.
Voting for Donald Trump is voting for a man who sees absolutely nothing wrong with rape and sexual assault. A man who only has an interest in helping rich white men. A man who I have no doubt would take away women's right to vote if given the opportunity. A man who quite literally hates women and thinks they are less intelligent than the dumbest of men (which we know to obviously not be true). Voting for Donald Trump will be the end of women's rights. Are you really OK with your hand in that? I sincerely hope not.
I'm with Her. Hilary 2016.