Donald Trump has been a concern for what he will do to this country by a number of people already, but his campaign in itself has already caused an extensive amount of damage. Recently two poles came out that showed if women or people of color couldn’t vote, that Donald Trump would win. People who support Trump took to Twitter and joined a hashtag called #RepealThe19th and #RepealThe15th.
These hashtags have of course been used before by uneducated racists and sexists on Twitter, but with this election headed the way it’s going, it had begun to take a trend. There’s no actual concern about it gaining any real movement where politicians start to suggest repealing those amendments, especially since a lot of republicans have denounced Trump and his platforms, but it unfortunately does say something about our country.
We’ve let a man bully his way into the ring and spew horrific nonsense to gain popularity. This man has brought out the worst in enough people to show how belligerent and offensive they can be. There is a group of people who want to deny the democratic process to certain demographics, it is very concerning to know that is a growing opinion. What Trump has done is taken all the social progress we have made over the past years and spat on it, emphasizing ideals of white male supremacy. He has ignored violence committed at his rallies and allowed mob violence to take control. Permitting this kind of violence and vigilantism raises questions of how he will handle discriminatory violence of people of color and women under his term.
Whether he wins or not is not the focus here. What is concerning is that he has been chosen by the people to enter the race as the face of this country. People want this man to represent us for foreign affairs, and be the face of our country when people think of America. What will that say about us if we let a man who has been accused of sexual harassment and rape, evaded taxes, made remarks about deporting immigrants who lived here for years from our borders, and was supported by the KKK? It shows that the majority of our country are belligerent racists whose social ideals date back to the 1900s.