Belligerent, sexist, racist, and a terrible human being, Donald Trump is far from receiving my vote in this upcoming presidential election. In fact, I truly believe he would be the absolute worst president America has had to endure, but not because of political reasons.
For all those who believe that he is one to just "tell it as it is," I would like to inform you that his insulting and often insensitive language is both disgusting and ignorant. This does not make him a good leader, but instead a bully and a misogynistic jerk.
For those who believe he simply takes charge and says what he means, I would like you to know that by your beliefs it is okay for Donald Trump to sexually assault women and get away with it because of his authority. You are single handily giving him the power to believe he is superior to the entire female gender, which I may add you are a part of. What he said is not okay. The things that he says are not just words. I would like to remind you of the time he said, "grab her right by the pussy." Remember that? Here is completely objectifying women and I can assure you those beliefs have not changed.
Like I stated earlier, politics aside, claiming that the way he speaks is justified is incredibly disturbing. By allowing him to belittle women, and those of other races, because he believes he can, we are stripping America of the beauty of individuality and instead agreeing with quite simply a white supremacist. In turn, you are saying that sexual assault is acceptable, you are saying that all Muslims are bad, you are agreeing that Mexicans are all rapists and drug dealers, you are tearing apart a country stereotype by stereotype.
I would like to add that I truly believe that neither candidate is perfect. I know they both have mistakes and blemishes, and that they both have a corrupt past that is hard to overlook. But, to ignore the words that Trump continually uses and proceed to brush them off like they don't have the impact that they should, is the exact reason that issues like rape culture exist in America today. Because privilege that men like Donald trump have, makes incidents like sexual assault nothing but words.
And for those who are not bothered by his misogynistic ways, then maybe you should consider the women who have actually been affected, whose lives will never be the same. Maybe they are the ones you should think of when Donald Trump has the audacity to make them feel as though they don't matter. Before you vote, you should consider what women who have been sexually assaulted have gone through, because while you may be too oblivious to realize it, his sexist and disgusting words are EXACTLY what is wrong with America.
You can't make a country great again if you're the foundation of what needs to be repaired. Sorry Donald, but I just don't deem you fit to serve, so in your own words, "you're fired."