Donald Trump did not win this election. Racism, sexism, hatred, and lack of education won. A leader should be bringing our country together, not dividing it. In order for our country to progress, unity needs to take place. Instead, history is repeating itself and we have Americans scared for their lives. If the majority of Americans fear to live their every day lives because of a newly elected President, then there is a problem. No matter a person's race, gender, sexuality, and religion, we are all equal. Each individual in this country has rights and no one should be allowed to take those rights away from us. We are all human beings, but Trump views minorities less than that. He views minorities like they don't matter. We shouldn't allow an ignorant man to treat human beings like that. What he needs to realize is that we all come from a family of immigrants.
We can agree that Trump is a power hungry man. He wants to be in control of more than just a business, so he decided to control our country. He wants to rebuild a country from scratch instead of following the norm of building from what we have already achieved. He may have a "100 day plan", but what are his other plans for our country? He should have a plan for the next four years, not just 100 days.
Trump brought out the racism and sexism that's been hiding behind closed doors for years. Now that he has been elected, people think it's okay to attack other individuals. People think it's okay to downgrade women. People think it's okay to hate. One man was violently attacked in California because of his sexuality. Many Muslim women are afraid to wear their Hijabs because of the violence. Immigrants are being kicked to the curb and punished for living here. Minorities are being punished for being different. It's not okay for a man to think he's more superior than a woman. Women are just as hard working and should be treated with so much respect. What happened to our country being the land of the free? What happened to freedom of religion? Have many of our freedoms disappeared? Many families came to the United States to build a better life for themselves, their families and to escape the violence in other countries. America was a safe haven for those individuals.
Women's rights, gay rights, freedom of religion, freedom of press, and environmental science are disappearing. And that's only what he said he would do. For those of you who voted for Trump, you decided what kind of America you wanted to live in. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but they decided that racism wasn't a deal-breaker. They wanted to vote for someone who will benefit themselves. As a country, we should be electing someone who will benefit the ENTIRE country. Yes, everyone has their own likes, dislikes, beliefs, opinions etc., but is hatred, racism and sexism really what people believe in? I have been a witness of friendships breaking due to the outcome of this year's election. Soon, we will all be witnessing the separation of families and the downfall of what was a united nation. I love my country but I sure do not love the decisions of those who think all of this is okay. Love trumps hate. Don't discriminate. But Trump sure does love to hate.
Some of you may choose to disagree with my words, but go ahead. I'm going to speak up for myself and for those who are afraid to. You might view this election differently, but this is from my point of view. As a Hispanic woman, I support my friends and family no matter their race, gender, sexuality, and religion they choose to practice. I refuse to treat someone like they're less of an individual than me. Minorities deserve to have their voice heard, not be shut down and treated like they're not a huge part of this country. I want to live in a country that is united and peaceful, but now that's going to take a long time for that to happen again. Donald Trump isn't bringing victory to America. Instead, an American tragedy. He does not represent me and he does not control me. He is not my President.