I don’t like Donald Trump. It’s no secret that half of America doesn’t like Donald Trump. When it was first revealed that he was running for President, I laughed. Does Donald Trump really believe he would make a good Presidential candidate? He probably just woke up one day and said, “I’m gonna run for President!” The really scary thing is how good of a chance he has at actually becoming president. (Cue scary thunder and lightning)
I’ve never been one to feel so strongly about political issues. Granted this is the first election I can actually vote in, but that’s not where my interests lie. I secretly hate pretty much everything Donald Trump does and says, but the thing that pissed me off the most is how misogynistic he is. If Trump becomes President, he’s going to undo everything women have accomplished- from establishing self-confidence to being able to run for office. Kind of similar to how you shouldn’t get involved with someone who has no respect for women, America shouldn’t get involved with Donald Trump, who has no respect for women.
Trump doesn't even try to pretend he cares about women. When talking about rival candidate Carly Fiorina back in 2015 he said, "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?" His 'election banter' is downright diminishing, rude, and inappropriate on almost every occasion. Since when are elections about roasting other candidates? Degrading Fiorina from a woman to 'that' just makes him more of a jerk. He sounds like that annoying 6th grader who just learned the 'your mom' comeback.
It's sad that despite the language he uses toward women, and other groups like Muslims and immigrants, people will still vote for him. The President is supposed to serve as a respected figure that leads the nation; he is supposed to represent America. You're telling me that Donald Trump, a man who actually said the words "Women, you have to treat them like shit", is going to run the country? There's something very wrong with that.
This weekend I came across a Hillary Clinton ad that took all of Trump's misogynistic remarks and showed how they can impact young girls. This put a new spin on his words for me. He already comes across as rude and vile during press conferences or interviews when he talks about women like Hillary and Fiornia, but when you take his words out of context it sends a completely awful message to females everywhere.
There are thousands of companies that make money off of women's insecurities already, do we really need the President of the United States heightening this lack of confidence? How many girls will be affected by the words "She's a slob. She ate like a pig"? Who wants to hear that "a person who's flat chested, it's very hard to be a 10."
These are only the things he says about women. Trump has said degrading things about minorities, Muslims, immigrants, and many more groups of people. Wake up, America. This is not the man for us.
You can watch Clinton's ad here.