I was sitting in my friend’s living room in a tipsy stupor. Clinton was down in the electoral count but it was still early; she would take Pennsylvania and maybe Florida. Even if she didn't she still had Michigan and Wisconsin, she had this.
Forty minutes later, the alcohol gave way to sober reality; I knew it was over. Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania were Trump’s. America just elected an islamophobic, xenophobic, sexist, racist, demagogic President.
Until now I never thought I had anything to protest. I'm a political science major and have always refrained from personal allegiances: to parties or candidates. I thought that in order to objectively evaluate policy, and uncover the best path for the country, I had to take myself out of the the political horse race. I never donated to a campaign, worked on a campaign, or came out with strong support for a certain candidate.
A month and a half ago I even wrote an op-Ed detailing how this election wouldn’t change he foundations of our nation, how it wouldn’t inflict lasting effects because of the checks and balances built into the different branches of government, how no matter what happened, it wouldn't be as bad as everyone said it would be.
Now, hours after Trump’s electoral victory was confirmed, I have changed my mind. What I previously called objectivity was actually ignorance; I wasn't dealing with the possibility of a Trump Presidency; I was coping by denying the possibility all together.
I look back at my detached view of politics: the belief that I had exclusive knowledge and a preternatural calm that allowed me to coolly analyze daunting situations and come to rosy conclusions, and I realize that it was only a façade. Ignorance was my superpower, not transcendence.
I don't know what's going to happen, and I'm scared.
I am legitimately scared.
My previous ignorance relieved me of any civic duty that extended beyond voting and maybe sending a tweet or two. I apologize for my cold, calculated, arrogant, privileged, laissez-faire, detachment.
My country picked Donald Trump to be President. President Barack Obama will be succeeded by President Donald Trump.
Throughout the night people’s groans were interrupted by my sociopathic guffawing, brought about by an inability to maturely process what was happening. Now the laughter has subsided and grim determination, hoisted duty, and responsibility is left in its wake.
I have something to protest now. Donald Trump is not my President. He does not represent my views, and I will not let him claim to. Through social media, through votes, through non-violent acts of opposition, America, the world, and God will know that I do not support President Donald Trump.
They will know what I believe by what I say; that will not change. They will also know what I believe by my actions. This change is everything.
I pray for judgement, grace and prudence in my protests.
I pray for strength, boldness and courage in my convictions.
I pray for the United States of America.
Here we go.