Currently, the United States is in a crucial moment in its political election. As of now, it seems that the race for president is between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Based off her active supporters, Hillary seems to have no reason to fret her getting to the White House, but I wouldn't be so sure.
It seems like every day that Trump's supporters are multiplying by the hundreds. Trump is more than a threat to our political system — he is a massive threat to our country. Beyond his sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and completely irrational ideals about running a country, Trump is unsafe for our citizens.
It has been reported that ISIS and other terrorist organizations use social media as a way to get insight on our country. These insights are used to strategically plan timing for acts of terrorism. Trump, being a front runner for the election who actively speaks against these organizations, therefore making a mockery of our political and presidential system, is doing nothing but giving fuel to these organizations. It is aiding them in their hatred of our citizens and our country. Having a joke like Trump on stage everyday, representing this country, is no longer a joke.
Actively supporting Trump as a public figure has made it apparent that our country's citizens aren't as progressive as we tend to voice, or at least that group of citizens. Often his supporters will argue that they are voting on the basis that he is a "tough business man" who has good ideas about economic reform. Say this be true, it would still not be enough to reasonably want to elect a figurehead who spreads unethical and unjust ideals. Trump is a bully and a tyrant. Imagine a country lead by that type of man, a man who doesn't seem to have a kind bone in his body or the ability to empathize with others' struggles. I don't know about you, but to me that seems pretty terrifying.
Yet to the leaders and researchers for terrorist organizations, his possible win of this election shines a huge target on our country. As I've already said, having a figurehead like him will make our entire country seem to be in agreement with his unkind views. Those views are not what I think of when I think of this country. I believe that this country is more progressive, kind and reasonable than that. But to terrorists, however, we seem to be quite the opposite.
This is no longer a battle between right and wrong. This is so much bigger than that. It has become a decision about whether we are going to stand up as citizens of this country and fight for what we believe is right or if we are going to let this joke of a situation become a threat to our reputation and safety. In all honesty, it is disappointing to know that our country's officials have let this go on for this long. I hope that some day very soon we are capable of standing up against what is unjust and cruel. Donald Trump has never been and will never be a joke, but rather a serious hazard to our country. It's no longer funny and should not be considered as such.