Is Donald Trump an illiterate? I mean we all know he has a basic understanding of how to use Twitter, so he can't be completely unable to read (unless he uses Siri to type his Tweets and has someone proofread them, which could be plausible... right? *cue X-Files intro music*). But him not understanding how to read proficiently would explain how he clearly hasn't ever read a history book or our Constitution for that matter. Because if he had at least read a basic history textbook, then he would at least have the basic understanding that his "innovative" and "new" policies didn't work well in Hitler's favor, so they probably won't work well for him either.
If he had a basic ability to read and comprehend what he was reading, then he would probably know that the media isn't exactly "fake news." I mean the guy is a paranoid liar, and somehow doesn't seem to understand that, and I get that he is obviously a delusional narcissist, but this is getting absolutely ridiculous. Maybe it's because he seems to live in a narrowed world where he can't read and expand his knowledge. That certainly explains a lot (that, or he's just drunk all the time).
Obviously, there isn't exactly "proof" of this assertion, but it seems to be a pretty popular claim on Google (reputable sources, however, are lacking). All that I am saying is that this guy being an illiterate (or virtually illiterate) would make a lot of sense, considering his lack of ability to understand anything (even basic notions) beyond his delusions, which would, in turn, obviously continue to feed into his delusions. This would thusly create an endless cycle of inescapable delusions. While this may not be true since as I have stated previously, there isn't really reputable proof of this claim, it's definitely food for thought. Next time you watch this buffoon be himself, just consider it briefly. You may start to believe this notion, at least somewhat.