Donald Trump has repulsed most of the morally sound American voters, and yet, most of his base is still there. This base usually refers to itself as being conservative. But what exactly is conservative about Donald Trump? The GOP considers itself to be the party of “family values”, but what about Donald Trump screams “family values”? The Republican party also considers itself to be the party that is more fiscally responsible, but Donald Trump’s plans are anything but responsible. Let’s take some time to consider these claims.
The GOP is deeply Christian; they believe in good clean Christian values. Values like respect and sexual modesty. But “The Donald” is a play boy. He’s even been interviewed by the magazine. Donald Trump, time after time keeps having some of his sexual exploits brought to light by the media. You could argue that they are bias, and I wouldn’t argue against that at all. But these things are not made up. Donald Trump has shown himself to be quite an extreme chauvinist and misogynist. He has no respect for women. He judges women solely on whether he is sexually attracted to them or not. Besides saying creepy things about his own daughter, he has also had his share of lawsuits, for sexual assault. You can argue that sometimes he just says dumb locker room comments, but you cannot argue that there is a pattern here. Donald Trump even has a history of making odd comments about underage girls. But mostly what Donald Trump seems to not understand the most, is consent. So why would the party of family values stick with him?
Republicans hate big government. They hate it because they have the general attitude that the government needs to stay out of everyone’s business. They claim to advocate for a freer market and hard work. Yet they never seem to be against any socialist agenda that helps rich people. Tax breaks, loop holes, and corporate subsidies for the rich always seem to be in their agenda. The middle class is struggling and the GOP keeps trying to steam roll over them, and furthering the wealth gap in America. Mr. Trump wants to cut taxes to an extent not seen since Ronald Reagan was in the White House. He said he would slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, claiming that the statutory 35 percent is very high for a devolved country. He left out that the average effective corporate tax rate was 18.1 percent in 2015, including state and local taxes, according to the Treasury Department. He also claims he would help workers by getting rid of estate taxation, but this would not do a thing for working class Americans. That estate tax doesn’t even matter to 99.8 percent of all estates because it only effects an estate that is worth over $5.4 million for an individual or $10.9 million for a married couple. Trickle-down economics was always a con. It did not help working families when Regan did it, and it did not help working class families when George Bush did it. So we are only left with the clear conclusion that it was always about expanding the wealth gap. Which unfortunately for Trumps supporters, will hurt them even more than what they think Obama did to them. Now let’s think about that wall on the Mexican border. The wall that the American people who are already struggling, would have to pay for, without the help of the people who actually have the wealth to help pay for it.
If there is one good thing that Trump has done, even if unintentionally, he has exposed the grand old party’s true belief system. They never cared about family values, or fiscal responsibility. They care about bigotry. They have always tried to oppress women's rights, and the rights of minorities. Donald Trump showed us all what the Grand Old Party has always been about. Racism, sexism and, general xenophobia. The GOP only exists to maintain and to further an agenda for the socioeconomic, and political power of white Christian males.