What do the Plastics and Donald Trump have in common? Could be that their hair is full of secrets and what they want more than anything is to make America great again? Or is it their relentless devotion to their friends but refusal to accept or be tolerant of those who don't "fit in"? Whether you both are masters at making fetch happen or enjoy scribbling juicy gossip in your Burn Book, here are some things you kindred spirits may find you have in common with one another.
Disclaimer: This article may contain just a little bit of sarcasm. You have been warned and reader discretion is advised.
1) You like to make wild assumptions about people based on preconceived notions.
2) You have this strange delusion that everyone is obsessed with you.
3) You've been raised to believe that you're the real MVP.
4) You deeply care about others and their opinions.
5) You're quick to judge people based on where they're from rather than celebrate them for who they are.
6) Your reaction when someone doesn't agree with your viewpoints.
7) You're great at trying to push people who are different than you . . . out of the country?
8) You think very highly of yourself.
9) You have very clear and convincing reasons why you dislike people.
10) You know everything . . . duh.
11) You think very highly of your competitor.
12) You're the best at everything.
13) You have lofty plans and can talk the talk . . . but can you walk the walk?
14) You're full of insightful comments . . . with just a hint (or two) of racism
15) You love attention so much; it doesn't matter if it's positive or negative . . . all attention is good attention . . . right?
16) Building a wall will solve ALL of our problems ... what could go wrong?
17) You're practically a superhuman.
18) According to your calculations, just how amazing and successful are you?
19) You never have to justify what you say. . . why on earth would you need to do that?
20) To top it all off. . .you're just about the nicest person who ever lived . . . especially when people disagree with your beliefs.