Edna Mode, the sassy fashion-slash-costume designer in Pixar's "The Incredibles," and President Donald Trump both have unique ways of talking and a LOT to say... to say the least.
Can you tell who said what?
(Answers at the bottom)
1. "Luck favors the prepared."
2. "Sometimes you have to toot your own horn because nobody else is going to do it!"
3. "It will be bold. Dramatic! Heroic!"
4. "You know what, darling? You're not going to be scared anymore. They're going to be scared."
5. "Words are useless. Gobble, gobble, gobble. There's too much of it!"
6. "I probably will do it. Maybe definitely."
7. "The beauty of me is that I'm very rich."
8. "Go! Confront the problem! Fight! Win!
9. "I've always said, if you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl."
10. "Why can't we use nuclear weapons?"
11. "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now."
12. "Politicians can't manage. All they can do is talk."
13. "Simple, elegant, yet bold. You will die."
14. "I have the hottest brand in the world."
15. "I like kids. I mean, I won't do anything to take care of them. I'll supply funds..."
16. "Done properly, parenting is a heroic act. Done properly."
17. "I would give myself an A+."
18. "You go to the hospital. You have a broken arm. You come out, you are a drug addict with this crap!"
19. "Pull yourself together. What will you do? Is this a question?"
20. "And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy your visits."
Edna Mode: 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20
President Trump: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18