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I Watched Her

Life in my eyes..

I Watched Her

I watched her sit alone at work.

I watched her practice in Japanese.

I watched her listen to music.

I watched her get uncomfortable when people crowded her.

I watched her mind ease when I made everyone disappear.

I watched her smile for the first time at work.

I watched her sit alone again.

I watched her reluctantly get up and sit next to me.

I watched her laugh for the first time at work.

I watched her work next to me.

I watched her look for me on her break.

I watched her fidget when she didn't know what to say.

I watched her eyes glow when we had things in common.

I watched her eyes smile when I asked for her number.

I watched her at home on Facetime after work.

I watched her blush when I said, "You're mine."

I watched her glow when we hugged at work.

I watched her fidget when she first came over.

I watched her body unravel under my fingertips.

I watched her swallow her words that she was afraid to say.

I watched her sing on our first date.

I watched her smile reach everyone when she wore my sweater.

I watched her cry when we had our first argument.

I watched her forgive me for acting out.

I watched her block everyone for me.

I watched her face grow a disdain for me.

I watched her smile when I gave her another gift.

I watched her face when she deleted her accounts for me.

I watched her grow resentment towards me.

I watched her when she danced to her favorite songs.

I watched her smile when she met my son.

I watched her heart open more when she gave him a toy.

I watched her love doubled when she saw him sleeping with it.

I watched her face grow disappointed when I missed her birthday.

I watched her listen to submit when I yelled at her.

I watched her cry when I called her out her name.

I watched her smile when she finally met my mother.

I watched her learn Spanish just to speak to her.

I watched her do her hair for her wedding.

I watched her try to understand Telenovelas.

I watched her fall asleep in my arms.

I watched her note that she left behind on my laptop.

I watched her walking down Route 46 to go home.

I watched her legs quiver from the 4-mile walk.

I watched her scream, "Stay away from me."

I watched her face go pale when she heard her mother on my phone.

I watched her cry when she saw she wasn't enough.

I watched her cry when she found out about the other woman.

I watched her love for me start to disappear.

I watched her come back to my car to talk to me.

I watched her face resign after I told her I didn't owe her anything.

I watched her cry when I called her out her name.

I watched her lay in my arms with no emotion left.

I watched her listen to my lies in changing.

I watched her cry when we argued even more.

I watched her leave my side again.

I watched her be happy again.

I watched her smile reach her face once again.

I watched her face when she saw me in her old job.

I watched her cry in my arms when she took me back.

I watched her face glow when I showed her my new puppy.

I watched her seek revenge on the other woman.

I watched her body as she stayed still under my fingertips.

I watched her face glow when I promised life to her.

I watched her leave her new job for me.

I watched her cry on Facetime when I accused her of cheating.

I watched her reluctantly put her things in the car.

I watched her isolate herself in our new house.

I watched her sorrow fill her eyes every time we argued.

I watched her face sink every time I slept on the couch.

I watched her resolve when she called her friends to get her.

I watched her leave again.

I watched her be happy without me.

I watched her smile for the year she was without me.

I watched her hesitate when I approached her.

I watched her eyes gleam when I reinvented our first date.

I watched her smile when I finally sat around her family.

I watched her cry when I surprised her when she came home from work.

I watched her cry when I asked her to marry me.

I watched her smile at me when I was down.

I watched her comfort me when I was robbed.

I watched her quit her job for me again.

I watched her face smile when she got pregnant.

I watched her call her mother to tell her good news.

I watched her cry as we argued.

I watched her smile when I gave her another puppy.

I watched her scream as we argued.

I watched fear reach her eyes when I threw her suitcase on the ground.

I watched her cry when she started bleeding.

I watched her cry when we didn't hear a heartbeat.

I watched her curl in a ball when she slept.

I watched her happiness leave her eyes.

I watched her dead eyes at every appointment.

I watched her bleed in the bathroom.

I watched her scream for her mother in pain.

I watched her as the EMTs held her naked body up.

I watched her cry as they hooked her up.

I watched her almost die in the hospital.

I watched her cry in church.

I watched her call her mother.

I watched her try to reassure me as I wept.

I watched her tell me this was it.

I watched her get on the bus.

I watched her leave... for the final time.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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