Growth. Life is all about growth. We grow all throughout our lives and when in college, the growing continues and is in some ways maximized. We grow by having to learn how to live on our own, tackle certain issues without our parents nearby, taking classes that interest but challenge us, and pursuing the journey of discovering more about ourselves and what we are destined for. We are faced with so many things that scare us to death, but if and when we follow them through, we most always recognize how truly rewarding the growth is that comes from embracing the unknown and trying the new things that might terrify us.
My junior year of college has been all but easy. Most days I've loved it, some days I've hated it. It seems like almost every class or project has required something of me that I haven't either done or considered before and while I could simply resort to giving into the fear and anxieties of the unknown, I've learned life is all about the excitement of jumping in, being open to new opportunities and saying, "Sure, why not?" I never want to look back on life, especially my college experience, and dwell on the "what ifs?" I want to live life fiercely, challenge my doubts and fears, be open to new ideas, and see the world for all the wonder it holds.
It's ultimately up to each individual to get the most out of their life and college experience. We are the ones who gets to choose how to respond to different situations and opportunities. We are the ones deciding whether or not we'll agree to the adventure and pursuit of personal growth. We get to decide what might happen if we look fear in the face and say, "guess what, you're not in charge today."
Once we start trying new things and putting ourselves out there, we'll find we're more susceptible to accepting other new experiences and journeys willingly. There have been so many times this semester where I have surprised myself. Things I couldn't see myself doing last year, I am doing this year. I've been more interested and excited about things like group projects involving public speaking, anchoring our college news station, being in charge of my own section with the school paper managing different responsibilities, and much more. Some of these things I wasn't necessarily afraid doing, but they were things I was afraid of failing in.
Let me just say fear of failure deserves no place or heavy weight in your life. Take the things that scare you, that terrify you, and ask yourself what could possibly go wrong. If they're things that you're afraid of trying because you worry you might fail, think of all the ways you might succeed. You might find the things that scare you are also your greatest reward. Because after all, they might challenge you to grow and improve in ways you didn't think possible. So pursue the unknown, find excitement in trying new things and never give yourself a reason to look back on life regretting all the "what ifs."