Realistically you know that no one is perfect. Every guy that you date will have his flaws, even "the one". Some of these flaws might include chewing with his mouth open, pressing snooze on his alarm 11 times before actually getting out of bed or maybe he always has to have the last word. Flaws are what make humans normal and in some cases a persons flaws are what make us love them more. But if he does any of these nine things, you need to click out of this tab, drive over to his house and break up with him immediately. Because you deserve so much better.
1. Calls you crazy, or even worse - psycho.
You are not crazy because you want to talk about your feelings or you don't want him to hang out with his ex. Guys use the word crazy to blame their actions on the fact that you a completely normal human being with emotions. If he calls you crazy, he is invalidating you. If he ever calls you psycho, key his car and block his number. Show him how psycho you really could be.
2. Is cheating on you.
I know this is kind of a basic one. You probably read this and were like "DUH!" but you would be surprised how many girls have been cheated on and still give their boyfriend a second (and third, and fourth) chance to redeem himself. If he is cheating on you then NEWS FLASH: he does not give a shit about you! He would rather disregard your feelings and months or years of a relationship for some girl he met at the bar last night. Yet, you're still going to let him sleep in your bed? Chances are if he cheats on you once, he will do it again. And again. And again. Break up with him while you still have your dignity.
3. Tells you that you need to lose weight, or calls you fat.
Some people respect the honesty. But there are so much nicer ways to go about hinting that your girlfriend needs to lose weight than just straight up telling her she is fat. Maybe suggest going on nightly walks or joining a gym together. If your boyfriend ever tells you that you're fat throw a cake in his face and get the hell out of there.
4. Storms out (or doesn't respond) during arguments.
If he straight up reads your text and doesn't respond in the middle of the fight then he obviously doesn't care about the way that you feel. If he storms out during every fight you have, then he doesn't care about what you have to say. It's normal to fight in relationships but you need to be sure that each partner cares about the others thoughts and feelings and if he does either of these two things, then I'm sorry to say but he doesn't care.
5. Tells you to "take a chill pill" or stop worrying about things that are bothering you.
He is not interested in hearing what you have to say, he just wants you to shut up.
6. Makes you feel guilty for not wanting to have sex.
No human is programmed to want to have sex 24/7. Especially girls. There are going to be times that you aren't in the mood. He might say it's okay in the moment but if he later brings it up and tries to make you feel guilty or says that you "owe him one" then he is in this relationship for all of the wrong reasons.
7. Acts different around his friends than he does with you.
I'm not talking "he doesn't call me boo boo when we're with his friends" because that is understandably embarrassing. I am talking, ignores you or belittles you or makes you feel less important when they are around. If he is acting like one person when you two are alone together and completely different when you are both with his friends get rid of him, You deserve someone who wants to show you off to his friends, don't settle for anything less.
8. Doesn't know when to use the correct forms of "your" and "you're".
Boy, bye!!!!!