X Pro or Valencia? What's the perfect caption? How many likes will I get?
All of these questions are automatic thoughts in our heads before we post anything on Instagram. The app, which has more than 300 million active users a month, is a place to tell people what we are doing. Do our lives look glamorous through a filtered lens?
We go out of our way to get the perfect Instagram at the right time to maximize our likes. Is there a secret to getting a reasonable amount of likes? We want the perfect gym selfie, dage depiction, throwback thursday, and food porn photo, all in a square space.
Here are the 5 struggles we all go through posting on Instagram:
1. Getting the perfect picture:
Okay so maybe it took you about 30 times to get that one not so bad looking "candid" photo with your friends, or you decide to take that artsy photo, or decide on being that person to Instagram their delicious meal. A picture really does say a thousand words, which is why getting the right photo can be a difficult process.
2. Filter:
If your filter game isn't on point it ruins the whole look you are going for. There are literally 19 filters to choose from on top of all the photo apps we have to edit our photos. There is no way you could make a sunset look that photo orgasmic with 1 X-Pro filter.
3. Caption:
You want your picture to speak for itself, but the caption is nearly just as important as the actual photo. Is it worth going with song lyrics, a caption in emoji language, or hashtags? Don't be the person to write a novel and take away from the actual photograph! Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.
4. Timing:
What time are your followers on? Is it worth the like after 10 PM? We all inevitably want our photo to be seen and liked by as many of our followers as possible. If it doesn't reach your perfect amount of likes, don't delete it! That makes you look more photo crazy, than you actually are.
5. Being basic:
DON'T BE. There are only so many candid pictures and poses that you can take with your friends. Get creative! Don't Instagram the same photo your friends took, get a view from a different angle! Instagram is a place where we can all be photographers and take a unique square photo that says something about ourselves.
Remember if you didn't Instagram it, did it even happen? All is right in the world when you get the perfect Instagram-worthy photo!