Every year, whether it's around the start of the New Year or not, I get a sudden burst of motivation to become healthier. This burst lasts maybe a day if I'm lucky before I return to my old habits of snacking and sitting on my butt while watching Netflix. I've told myself countless times that I'm going to start taking advantage of the gym on campus, but the fact that it's been downsized this year while we await renovations has just given me an excuse to not follow through. The only thing I've actually succeeded in doing since being in college is replacing sugary drinks with water at a majority of my meals.
When I first started doing this, my parents were really surprised. Growing up, I really hated water and was a huge fan of soda and anything else with a ridiculous amount of sugar. But when I got to college, I knew I had to do something with my diet if I wanted to avoid the freshman 15. It was a small change, but I feel like it has made a huge difference. My parents always ask, "and why are you doing this again?" The best answer I can give them is because I want to.
Now with the beginning of 2016, I've decided I need to approach this new goal of getting healthier with the same mindset. I am not working out in order to achieve a goal weight or to get a bikini body for the summer. I am not cutting down on snacking so that I won't gain weight. I'm simply just making choices that will leave me happier with myself. Not happier because I'll look a certain way, but happier because I'll know that I'm achieving something I've been wanting to do for a while.
Maybe after six months of this, it won't seem like I've done anything different. Maybe I won't have a toned stomach and butt or toned arms and legs but I'll know that I've come a long way by doing cardio for 45 minutes a day. I'm not doing this to impress anyone; I'm just doing it for myself.