As I sit in my empty room with only a few things left to pack and a few days until I leave, it's weird to think of how many memories are being left behind in this place. This is my childhood, this was my home. The house on Dogwood Ln will forever hold the memories of my childhood that no one can take back from me.
First off, thank you for providing me with the basic shelter that I needed. This home kept me warm during the cold winters and provided me with a place to sleep every night. Thank you.
Thank you for all the sleepovers you held. With anywhere from 1 to 10 girls, you have seen it all. All the talk about boys, all the junk food, and all the movie nights held here I will never forget. Thank you.
Thank you for the yard you provided us with. Even though most of the time a five acre field was unnecessary, you gave us the opportunity to run around, play fetch with our dog, ride 4-wheelers and maybe once crash a 4-wheeler into a tree (that one was all me), and most importantly, have the space to drag us around on an inner tube pulled by the 4-wheeler in the snow. Thank you.
Thank you for all the Christmases you brought us. From waiting for Santa the night before and getting up at six a.m. to open presents, to growing up and not opening our presents until 11 a.m. because we all wanted to sleep in. You provided us the space to come together as a family and enjoy our favorite holiday together. Thank you.
Thank you for my room. You know how many times I have sat in there and cried over everything under the sun. That room has seen more tears than any other place I've been and I thank you for giving me that space as my own. The memories I made in that vibrant turquoise-painted room will be with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you for giving us the best neighbors. I may have been a little sad when we moved and it was all older people with no children our age, but I grew to love all of them and ended up being spoiled by them all. They all treated my brother and I like grandchildren and never hesitated to help us out. We all watched over our little neighborhood and looked out for one another. I'm not sure what it will be like without great neighbors like that. Thank you.
Most importantly, thank you for giving me a space to be with my family. From all the movie nights, dancing in the living room together, and all the fights we endured, this place was our place and it will forever hold all our memories. Although we are moving to a new place where we will make new memories, these will always be here. When new people move in a start to make their new memories, ours will always here. This was the house that built me as well as my family and for that, I am so thankful.
So, to the house on Dogwood Ln, thank you.
Love, the girl who grew up here.