I’ve always been an animal lover, but more particularly towards dogs. My life revolves around my fur babies and I am always wanting more. I would rather have a room full of dogs than a room full of people, and I’m not sorry about it. Here are five reasons why dogs are better than people:
- They are the best listeners. Dogs know when you’re sad and they will sit and listen to you when you want to rant about the stupid boy that stood you up or the professor that gave you a C. The best thing about it is, they don’t talk back. So basically, it’s like they always agree with you and will always be on your side.
- They’re always happy to see you. There is nothing that makes me more happy than opening my door and all of my dogs running and jumping into my arms. What more could you want than little balls of fur giving you lots of kisses?
- They are the most loyal beings. No matter what you do, your dog will always love you. They will always follow you and jump in your lap, because at the end of the day, you are their best friend.
- They teach you responsibilities. There’s nothing more stressful than getting a dog: Figuring out when you have to feed them, water them, take them outside, and most importantly, making sure they don’t destroy everything during their puppy stages. However, the stress will pay off once you get a schedule figured out; It is still hard to figure everything out while balancing the rest of your life at the same time.
- They make you happy. No matter how sad, mad, or upset I am, there is nothing that my dog can’t fix. They have a sixth sense and they can tell when something is wrong. And when you’re sad, they dog everything in their power to make you smile; whether that be by cuddling up to you or grabbing a toy and running in circles.
All in all, dogs are better than people. The only bad things about dogs is that they don't live long enough. If I had one wish it would be that my dogs could grow old with me. Nothing is better than wet nose kisses! So here's to all my dogs out there, thankful for all that my fur babies do for me!!