One of the proudest moments of a person’s life is when they’re ready to start a family. You’re ready to take on responsibility for something living and breathing other than yourself. You’re responsible for another life. Pretty amazing, right? You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they go to the shelter and adopt a dog! You thought I was talking about a baby, didn’t you? Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about the babies, babies are cool too. Dogs and babies are very alike, with their innocent nature and almost supernatural ability to appear cute and adorable 24/7. However, there are some things that separate these lovable creatures apart.
1. Baby poo is much cuter than dog poo.
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Obviously, there are things we have to do when it comes to taking care of another being. Cleaning up poo is one of them. There’s no secret that we prefer baby excrement over that of a dog. Don’t you just dread taking out that plastic bag to clean up that smelly brown waste? Yeah, so do we.
2. It’s much more fun to wash a baby than a dog.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by your wet, dirty dog. It’s never easy to get your dog in the bathtub, and even when you do, it is not likely that they’ll happily stand still while you try to clean them. They try to jump out at all the wrong times, and why would they ‘shake’ when you ask them to? Babies on the other hand become 10 times cuter in the tub. They play with toys and giggle as you make them a cool hair-do out of bubbles. Plus they always smell good afterwards. Babies win this one.
3. Dogs are always happy to see you.
You come home from a long day at work, and who runs to your side as soon as you walk in the door? Your favorite furry friend! You can’t help but smile when you see that happy tail wagging in the air. They’re always there to give you sloppy wet kisses and curl up next to you at all the right times. Even if it’s the wrong time, it’s still the right time. Babies aren’t always happy to see you, though. They’ll cry when you touch them and then suddenly they have a new favorite person who isn’t you.
4. Dogs are your babies forever.
Babies grow up into children and teenagers and then adults.. Yikes. Wouldn’t it be great if they could just stay little? Well dogs can! Dogs can physically grow, but they will always be your puppy. Dogs will always want to play with you and cuddle with you on the couch, and they’ll never move out of the house. Dogs will never leave you. Dogs are forever.
5. Dogs are way ahead in fashion.
Babies need diapers, little hats, socks, shoes, pants, shirts, pajamas, must I go on? Dogs don’t need any of that stuff. Their floppy ears and fluffy fur are enough. Clip a nice collar on them and they're stylish!