We’ve all heard the saying, “girls rule – boys drool,” but it’s about time to switch it up. Everyone loves dogs, and if you don’t, well then you’re missing out. There are about a million reasons why dogs are a man’s best friend, but there’s also a million reasons why a dog is better than a man. I won’t name all one million of them, just a few.
They never leave your side.
It has been proven that dogs are one of the most loyal companions. Sometimes they can be a little too loyal. They’ll follow you around everywhere you go, even if it's too the bathroom – that’s just a little too close to comfort for me.
They wont cheat on you.
Dogs remain loyal at all times – that is unless someone else is sneaking them food underneath the kitchen table.
They don’t lie to you.
One of the best things about having a dog is that they can’t talk back. The most noise they can make is a bark here and there. You never have to worry about who they’re texting behind your back, but maybe watch who’s been scratching their ear when you’re not looking.
They're 10 times cuter.
I don't know about you, but my dog could win me over with just one look. Sure, I might have to clean up his accidents and he might not be able to bathe himself, but look at those puppy eyes. They make just about everything better.
They're smarter.
Not only is my dog smart, but I'm pretty sure he might be smarter than me at times. They typically follow commands the first time that they're told to.
Basically dogs are pure perfection, and nothing can even begin to compete with them. If you're a "cat person," well then, you're just missing out.
My hopes for this article are not to target towards anyone specifically. I am not by any means shaming men and/or the women who obtain successful relationships. I'm just a typical girl obsessing over how full of perfection her dog is.