If you have a dog i'm sure you will agree with all of the reasons I think dogs are good for your soul... If you're thinking about getting a pup you 100% should and here's why:
A new family member
This is probably one of my favorite things about having a dog. She really is a part of our family and we do anything we can to give her the best dog life ever, shes honestly spoiled and I'm sure some of your dogs are spoiled too :) I mean its hard not to when they are that cute right? But once you create a bond with a dog it can't be broken. I could not imagine growing up with out Pumpkin (my pup in the cover photo) and I feel like if anyone has a chance to raise a puppy they should, its literally like raising a child. You get to watch the fur baby grow while you grow its kinda like having a little brother or sister around, at least that's how it felt for me. Like family too, you can always count on them to be there for you and they will ALWAYS be around to give you some kisses.
A forever friendÂ
Once you get a dog it's like an automatic contract to lifelong friendship. I don't think I have ever encountered a dog that didn't absolutely adore their owner. Your pup will love you no matter what, even if you accidentally step on their paws!!!
Something to come home toÂ
Not only do you have an automatic best friend, you also have something to look forward to everyday... COMING HOME TO YOUR DOG. After a long day all I want is some love from my pupper so I'm sure some of you can definitely relate to that. Its always nice to come home and have someone excited to see you. If you live alone, have a small family, or just want to in general, this is definitely a reason to get a dog. You will have the best companion around whenever you need him or her. Which also make me think of more individuals that may need some fur in their life.
Decreased stress levels
If you or anyone in your family suffers from anxiety, depression, etc, it is important to know that it is scientifically proven that dogs can increase humans level of oxytocin... which is basically a stress reducing hormone that counteracts with the hormone that causes stress known as cortisol. Literally dogs make you happier they are scientifically goof for your soul which means you HAVE to breed, buy, or adopt one (maybe even more ) :)
Doing yourself and the world a favor
So now that YOU HAVE to get a dog its time to think of how you want to go about getting your pup. People will breed dogs for a living and sell most of the liter, so if you are one of the people that breeds dogs, you should do your best to sell all of them to guarantee that they have a home to go to. Not only will you be making some extra cash which is always nice, you will be giving someone a new best friend to go home with. One pup = a thousand memories. You can also buy dogs through shelters and websites like craigslist or even Facebook marketplace. SO yes there are multiple ways to get a dog but as of today I believe the MOST important and helpful way to add a dog to your family is through adoption. Many people avoid dogs that have been in shelters for long periods of times and often times the dogs are neglected and sad at the shelter. Do yourself and the world a favor by adding a new member to your family and by adopting a dog that has been rejected so many times. Your pup will thank you for the rest of its life by giving you so many new happy and loving memories to cherish!
I hope that some of you dog owners enjoyed and agreed with some of the things I said about all the goodest boys and goodest girls... I REALLY hope that if you are reading this and you are thinking about getting a dog that this article helps sway your decision. I couldn't imagine a life without some constant fur around and would love for anyone considering getting a dog to know how much they really mean to us humans, who knows maybe you will just leave with a new bestfriend!