For years I have wanted a dog of my own. It has been my dream to come home to a wagging tail and a doggy smile. I have experienced the love and affection that my friends and families dogs have for them, yet have missed the connection of raising a dog from a puppy and having it be my companion.
A dog is a must have in life. A dog will share its soul with you, and also its bad breath. From my childhood, I can recall several instances in which the dogs in my life were my best friend. We used to have a big yellow lab named Sandy. As a seven year old boy, having never seen a yellow lab before, I was amazing and delighted to find that this dog loved me from the moment we met. Sandy and I became inseperable. I used to set up my army men in various formations and groups and then I would call Sandy over to knock them all down. This became known as a "sand storm." I thought I was rather clever coming up with that because her name was Sandy. I would lay on the floor and Sandy would come right over to lay with me. We also had a Beagle named Maggie. While my memories of Maggie aren't so clear as mine of Sandy, I still know that that dog loved me with all of its heart, nothing held back. My aunt had a beagle named Bob that I absolutely loved. I loved him so much that I even had a Build-a-Bear named after him. Bob grew old as I grew older and eventually Bob passed away. I'm not exactly sure how old I was when it happened, but Maggie was run over. My heart was crushed. But not as badly as when Sandy took ill and had to be put down. My childhood companion was no longer and nothing could replace her. For years we went without a dog. I don't remember being particularly upset about not having a dog, but there was a void that wasn't filled for a while. The dog we have now, a beagle named Sumter, is the sweetest dog to ever grace the face of this earth. He likes to sleep and eat, and sometimes he has terrible gas, but he loves me and I love him. He will go up to my room and sleep on my bed until I get home. When he misses you he lets you know how much by running and jumping on you while letting loose a chorus of whimpers and whines.
Dogs love unconditionally. No matter if you have a significant other or not, there is no substitute for the unwavering love and loyalty of a four legged friend. Everyone needs a dog to love and be loved by. I think that dogs are made of love and happiness and that their job here on this earth is to spread that in the short time they are with us. There is a saying that goes "I wish I was the person my dog thinks I am." Dogs don't judge, dogs don't hate. Dogs are truly mans best friend. To Sandy, Maggie, Ridley, Sweety and Bob, I miss all of you terribly. I know that all dogs go to heaven so I hope to give you a good backscratch again someday.