It's been said before that dogs are man's best friend, but I feel that man and dog cannot even be put into the same category. Yes, they may both be slobbery and overbearing sometimes, but dogs will always be so much more lovable than men will ever be, sorry not sorry.
I mean who's going to be there for you when your heart gets broken? Definitely not a boy. Sometimes your friends, but your dog will always be there. They will be there to listen to you laugh, cry, scream, and whatever mood you are in they will always love you no matter what.
Here are just a few of the reasons why dogs are better than boys:
1. They are hands down, without a doubt, the BEST cuddlers.
Cuddling with a boy can be awkward. Where do I put my hands? Is my big head smashing his chest? Is he going to get annoyed if I move? Too many questions run through your brain that just make it not so much fun anymore. When you cuddle with a dog they don't
care what you do! As long as you are
happy and smiling, they are happy and smiling. Plus the extra fluff is perfect on cold winter night.
2. Dogs will never leave your side.
Let's be honest... relationships are hard. You make one silly mistake, start one worthwhile argument and boys jet off like they saw snakes crawling out of your ears. Dogs don't care if you mess up, they'll be there to lick away the tears. To them, you are the most perfect human on the face of the earth. They'll be by your side from day one until the very end.
3. They love to nap.
In today's world,
napping is looked down upon. If you love to nap it means you're lazy. Dogs spend like half of the day taking naps and will never judge you for wanting to take a load off in the middle of the day. You can nap for hours or minutes and dogs won't mind.
4. Dogs miss you when you leave.
Anytime I leave the house, my dog is up at the window longing for me while driving down the road. And whether I was away for 10 minutes, three hours, or two weeks my dog's excitement when I come home is through the roof. It's like I'm the greatest thing they've seen in their whole entire life. There are hugs, kisses, jumps, and most importantly play time. Dogs spend most of their life waiting for their human to come home so they can love them.
5. They listen to you.
Sometimes when you try to talk to a boyfriend about problems you have they want to turn it around and make it their problem. Then all of the sudden you find yourself
talking about how hard it is to try and go to class or work as a man when you have a cold. Um? Ok? Dogs are the best listeners. They never try to turn the
conversation around and make it about them. It will always be about you.
6. Dogs supply you with the most meaningful, unconditional love.
No matter what they love you from the beginning to the very end.