Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
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Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

This will be controversial, but it has to be said

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
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It is one of (if not the most) the polarizing issues that face the nation. It is a timeless argument, one that has been hissed and barked about for centuries. It isn’t in regards to immigration, abortion, the legalization of marijuana or any other conservative vs. liberal debate. Nay, this is far more pressing matter. It is the age-old question. Which species is superior, canine or feline?

The answer is simple. Dogs. 100% without question dogs surpass cats in every aspect in regards to personality, emotional consciousness, intellect and, honestly, just overall adorability. Now, you may be asking who exactly do I think I am in determining the overall quality of God’s creatures. I’m not a vet nor a biologist. I do, however, have all the credibility needed, for I am a dog owner and a cat owner. I have witnessed both animals in action for several years. Before I continue my argument, I would just like to preface that I do not hate my cat or cats at all for that matter. I simply believe dogs are better. Noodle, my beautiful Golden Doodle, represents unadulterated love. There is nothing evil or malicious about this precious animal.

Where as Callie, my brown and black cat (honestly does anyone really know cat breeds besides tabby?), is a vindictive and maniacal pest. Callie has no regards for human emotions or their well being. For example, Callie is not allowed in my room at home, because she sheds like a maniac and causes my allergies to run amuck. She knows she’s not allowed in my room, but if I as so much as leave my door slightly cracked, that little excrement will sneak into my room, crawl under my bed and will not budge. I try many peaceful tactics to try and get her to come out, I’ll call her name or get a feather to try and lure her out. When that doesn’t work, I will then have to proceed in getting physical and just grabbing her. She’ll then respond by hissing and clawing at me. Then, her claw will get caught in my sweater, causing the two of us to be attached in a way that neither of us wants. I’ll try to gently remove her claw from my sweater, which then prompts her to claw at me again with her other paw. This will go on for about 20 minutes until she causes me to lose my will to live without a stuffy nose and puffy eyes. This, unfortunately, is only a mere glimpse into the kind creature that Callie and all cats are like.

Noodle, on the other hand, has a higher emotional intelligence than probably most humans. She embodies unconditional love and loyalty, like most dogs do. She will reciprocate my happiness by jumping up and down when I enter a room; she comforts me when I’m sad by licking the tears off my face; she protects me and my family by barking and acting like our own personal alarm system until she knows we are safe. To those who argue that dogs only love their owners because they feed them, that is just untrue. If dogs only love those who provide them food and shelter, then please explain the dogs of homeless people. Even in their human's lowest points; those dogs demonstrate the epitome of unconditional love and loyalty. The reason homeless people never have a cat with them is because if a cat doesn’t have around the clock access to food and shelter, it’ll go somewhere else to find it and leave their human for dead.

Look, I know I am making some bold general statements that will probably be controversial to a good chunk of people. I know this doesn’t apply to every dog and cat in the universe. I’m not saying that all dogs are perfect angels, but most of them are. And I’m not saying that all cats are a*sholes... but most of them are. I truly do understand why people seek cats as companions. Their stupidity and spastic nature makes for great entertainment. Some people appreciate that a cat’s affection has to be earned. They’re much more low maintenance than dogs. They don’t require too much attention or care and are independent. You could honestly leave a cat by itself for a few days and as long as it had enough food, water and a clean litter box it would most likely continue on without really noticing or caring about your presence. What it all boils down to is that dogs are givers and cats are takers. Cats will rub up against their owner when they want someone to pet them; they don’t respect their owner’s boundaries and show no remorse for when they have misbehaved. Dogs are simply the exact opposite. There is nothing quite like the love a dog has for it’s human.

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